An area can be selected for audit based on:
Yes. For non-routine audits Internal Audit provides notice via telephone call, e-mail or memo. For routine annual audits the departments are already aware of the audits to be performed in their area.
Yes. After your department is notified, the assigned auditor will schedule an entrance meeting to discuss the purpose, scope of the audit, and the expected start and completion date. You should take the opportunity at this meeting to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about the audit and to determine how you can facilitate the review process.
During the audit, the auditor assigned will keep you informed of audit progress. At the conclusion of the fieldwork, the auditor will schedule an exit conference to discuss the audit results. The purpose of this stage is to ensure that the auditor has had access to all relevant data and facts before reaching a conclusion. If audit recommendations are made, you will receive these in writing. Your response to the recommendation(s) is required. The response should include:
After the recommendations and responses are reviewed and discussed, you will be provided with a draft of the audit report for your review and before the final version is issued. This gives you the opportunity to determine if additional discussion of the audit recommendations is necessary, to clarify any ambiguities, and if necessary, modify the report draft.
All audit information is treated as confidential and reported only to those within the institution who need to know. All final reports, including your responses, are distributed to the President and Vice President for Finance and Administration. Reports are also distributed to the Vice President and other administrators responsible for the area audited. In addition, the Audit Committee of the Board of Regents is provided a summary report of audit results during their regularly scheduled meetings.
In addition to being audited by Internal Audit, the areas and departments within the University may also be audited by external auditors during their routine annual audits. While we try to eliminate or reduce duplication of effort by coordinating our schedule with these other auditors, we have no control over their audit plans. Consequently, an area or department may occasionally be reviewed more than once during the year.